
Showing posts from January, 2020

news letter

THE LEGAT FOUNDATION Newsletter 2019                                                                         Editor: Tamara Dragadze As the year comes to an end I want to put a few lines down to act as a Newsletter and on behalf of the Legat Foundation to wish you all a wonderful New Year 2020. We are starting it off with a bang because on Sunday, January 5 th, , 2020, at midday , we will have our AGM at the legendary Colet House in London. Address: Colet House, 151, Talgarth Road, Hammersmith, London W14 9DA. It is where Nicholas Legat taught and ended his days. We hope that any member who can make it will come 12-4pm. Other news Over the year, exams were organised on behalf of the Legat Foundation as usual.   A few other items to record here: Patricia Deane-Grey left our Board after years of generous support and effort and we thank her for all she did, especially in the early years. We also welcomed Jill Stock Fry to the Board as